Europe 2020 and the Czech Republic

National Goals of the Czech Republic within the Europe 2020 Strategy

In keeping with the conclusions of the European Council from July 2010, Member States should set national goals in cooperation with the European Commission and with a view to Member States' individual economic and social specificities.

With a view to consultations with the European Commission on the form of the Czech Republic's national goals and the commitments flowing from the Conclusions of the European Council from 26 March 2010 and taking into account domestic economic, social and political situations and meetings between the three governing parties, the government passed on 7 July 2010 certain quantified national main goals and sub-goals of the Europe 2010 strategy.

These goals were later expanded on 1 September 2010, when the Committee for the European Union approved national goals in the area of social inclusion and poverty reduction. The current form of the Czech Republic's national goals set on the basis of the Europe 2020 strategy are as follows:

I. Employment

  • The government of the Czech Republic will present the European Commission with a national goal of an overall employment level of 75 %.
  • The national sub-goal of employment among women: 65 %.
  • The national sub-goal of employment among older workers: 55 %.
  • The national sub-goal of "decreasing the level of unemployment among young people" (15-24 years old): A one-third decrease compared to 2010.
  • The national sub-goal of "decreasing the level of unemployment of persons with low qualifications:" A one-quarter decrease compared to 2010.
  • The national sub-goal for decreasing the administrative burden on businessmen compared to 2005: 30 %.
  • The national sub-goal for increasing labour productivity compared to 2010: 20 %.

II. Investment into Research and Development

  • The government of the Czech Republic will present the Commission with a national goal of investment into research and development of 2.7 % of GDP.

III. Increasing Energy Efficiency

  • The government of the Czech Republic will not present the Commission with a national goal for energy savings from primary energy sources.

IV. Education

  • The government of the Czech Republic will present the Commission with a national goal of a ratio of university-educated people between the ages of 30 and 34 of 32 %.
  • The government of the Czech Republic will present the Commission with a national goal of the ratio of students prematurely leaving educational institutions of 5.5 %.

V. Social Inclusion With Decreased Poverty

  • The government of the Czech Republic will present the Commission with a goal of maintaining the border of the number of persons threatened by poverty in material deprivation or living in households without an employed person to the year 2020 at 2008 levels. But at the same time the Czech Republic will develop efforts leading to the decrease in the number of persons threatened by poverty, material deprivation or living in households without an employed person by 30,000 persons. This value corresponds with a decrease in the number of people at a level below 15 % as opposed to the current status (15.3 %).