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23. 10. 2013 10:07

Miloslav Nerad

(born 1921)

In 1939 he finished the town school in Prague and then started his studies at the ČKD Prague – Libeň Technical School. Until 1946 he worked as a technical clerk at the ČKD Prague – Libeň and then became a partner in a boiler production and repair business. In 1948 after the communist coup he and other two university students created and distributed anti-communist leaflets. After he was arrested and investigated in the Bartolomějská Street in Prague he was transferred to the Pankrác Prison. He was released due to the presidential amnesty before the court proceedings started. He established an illegal group Our Home; in November 1949 he went to Germany as there was a risk of another arrest. In the American zone he cooperated with the intelligence group of the brigadier general František Moravec and general Sergěj Ingr. After the necessary preparation he returned to the Czech Republic in April 1951 with the task to renew the operation of the Our Home group. After eight days on 5th May 1951 he was arrested by the State Security and subsequently sentenced by the State Court to 20 years of prison for high treason and espionage. He served his sentence in prisons Pankrác, Bory, Leopoldov, Bytíz, Opava and again Leopoldov. On 28th August 1964 he was released on 10-year probation. In 1968 he was a member of the K-231. At present he is a member of the presidium of the Confederation of Czech Political Prisoners. He is a holder of the Meritorious Service Plaque, which he received at the US Embassy and in 2009 he received the Medal of Merit 2nd Class from the President Václav Klaus.

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