
24. 1. 2009 13:58

NOTICE: Conference on security of energy supply under the auspieces of the Deputy Prime Minister A.Vondra, 30. 1. 2009:

The conference "In search for Security of Energy Supply of EU Members States on the Common Electricity Market" will be held on Friday, January 30 in Ostrava - hotel Atom under the auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister of the European Affairs Alexandr Vondra in association with the Ministry for Industry and Trade and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Czech Prime Minister and President of the EU Council Mirek Toplánek, European Comissioner for Energy Andris Piebalgs, Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economy Waldemar Pawlak and Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Martin Říman will be present. The representatives of energy companies ČEPS, ČEZ and E.ON will also take part in the conference.

Media opportunities:
Press conferences at 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (hotel Atom, Zkrácená 2703, Ostrava)
We advice journalists to be present 15 minutes before the start.
Please confirm your attendance no later then Wednesday, January 28, by email:

Tiskové oddělení - Kabinet místopředsedy vlády pro evropské záležitosti
Press Department - Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs

+420 224 002 657

Úřad vlády ČR/Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
Nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4, 118 01 Prague 1, Czech Republic

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