Press Advisories

24. 8. 2018 20:51

Prime Minister Babiš discussed with the President of the National Assembly of Armenia Bablojan on convergence with the EU and mutual trade cooperation

Premiér Andrej Babiš s předsedou Národního shromáždění Arménie Arou Bablojanem v Hrzánském paláci, 24. srpna 2018.
Premiér Andrej Babiš s předsedou Národního shromáždění Arménie Arou Bablojanem v Hrzánském paláci, 24. srpna 2018.
Prime Minister Andrej Babiš met with the President of the National Assembly of Armenia Ara Bablojan in the Hrzánský Palace on Friday 24 August 2018. They talked mainly about mutual relations, economic exchange, and cooperation of Armenia with the EU and the NATO.

At the outset, Prime Minister Babiš said that the Czech Republic was ready to continue to support reforms that lead to the modernization of Armenia and democratization of its institutions. He appreciated the peaceful course of demonstrations and political changes in spring earlier this year as well as continued efforts of the country for convergence with the European Union and a significant contribution of Armenia to NATO foreign missions. In this context, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) the pre-implementation of which started in June.

According to Babiš, there is also considerable potential for the development of Czech-Armenian economic and trade relations. This includes, in particular, projects of Czech companies in the area of power industry, use of renewable energy sources with emphasis on water power, agriculture, building of transport infrastructure, and urban development.

The President of the National Assembly of Armenia Ara Bablojan came to the Czech Republic at the invitation of President of the Senate Milan Štěch, whose last visit to the Armenian Republic took place in October 2017.



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