Press Releases

28. 3. 2008 9:45

Statement by Premier Mirek Topolánek on Attendance at the Opening of the Olympic Games

Originally, I did not want to attend the opening of the Olympic Games, leaving that to President Václav Klaus. Now after the President’s announcement that he cannot leave for the Olympic Games because of an operation, the situation has changed. I am now faced with a decision how to act, and I feel the need to sum up my opinion in several points:

1. I fully stand behind the Government statement on the situation in Tibet, which is, after all, also my work, and I deem it sufficient at this moment in time.
2. I would never want to harm our athletes who are training hard for the Olympic Games. I do not want to link their participation with my own decision whether to attend the opening of the Olympic Games or not, and I wish them much success in any case.
3. The decision whether the Premier as this country’s top-ranking official should go to the opening of the Olympic Games will be a decision to be made by the whole Government. It will be taken on the basis of a thorough analysis. I am not in the habit of making empty gestures, and I will not do that in connection with the forthcoming Olympic Games either.

Mirek Topolánek,
Premier of the Government of the Czech Republic

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