
17. 4. 201316:55

Committee for the European Union has approved the National Reform Programme of the Czech Republic for 2013

National Reform Programme of the Czech Republic for 2013 (NRP) had been preparing by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic since November 2012 in close cooperation with relevant state departments, economic and social partners, both chambers of the Czech Parliament, members of the National Economic Council, academic sphere and other relevant actors. The document was also debated during the exceptional plenary session of Council of Economic and Social Agreement (CESA) on 9 Novemenr 2013, which noted the document and expressed its appraisal towards the Office of the Government for a transparent process of preparation of the document and the extent of comments that had been reflected.

NRP represents the annual contribution of the Czech Republic to the fulfillment of the targets set by the Europe 2020 strategy in the context of European semester. The document defines the main priorities of the Government while the actual procedures leading towards their implementation are elaborated in particular department's strategies that are coherent with NRP. The 2013 National Reform Programme is closely linked to The International Competitiveness Strategy, approved by the Government on 27th September 2011, in virtue of a systematic approach to the Government's reform efforts.

The document includes 107 measures heading towards enhancing the competitiveness of the Czech economy. Responding to the current macroeconomic situation the Government of the Czech Republic defines 24 priority projects, whose implementation will be particularly targeted in the year of 2013. These primarily consist of measures having pro-growth potential and positive impact on employment.

The concrete measures are divided into four chapters representing the four pillars of the Government´s reform efforts:
(1) Consolidated Public Finances and Efficient Institutions;
(2) Attractive Business Environment and Infrastructure Development for the Czech Industry;
(3) Functional Labour Market, Educational System and Social Integration as Prerequisites of Competitive Economy;
(4) Growth Based on Innovations and Research.
Impacts of the measures as well as the implementation roadmap are included in a comprehensive overview, which is part of the document.

Furthermore, NRP responses to the Country Specific Recommendations of the Council of the EU from 2012 and the Annual Growth Report 2013. The document also includes an overview of the state of implementation of NRP 2012, the links to The International Competitiveness Strategy and Proposals for Government Action to improve Conditions for Economic Development, Business Support and Employment approved by the Government on 20th December 2012.

The high importance of the document is also given by its link to the EU cohesion policy 2014-2020. NRP fully respects the direction heading towards closer connection of its priorities with the Europe 2020 strategy and with thematic focus on interventions financed by funds of the EU cohesion policy.

NRP has also been sent to the European Commission and will serve as a basis for proposing the Country Specific Recommendations for this year. The proposal is expected to be published on 29th May 2013 and will be approved by the Council of the EU afterwards. Implementation of the NRP measures will be monitored and evaluated by the Government of the Czech Republic based on previously designated standards.