
10. 7. 20148:36

The representatives of the Danube Region Strategy adopted a declaration on energy security in Prague

The representatives of the member states of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region met in Prague on Wednesday, 9 July 2014, within the meeting of the Steering Group of the Priority Area “to encourage more sustainable energy”. During the meeting in the Hrzánský Palace were discussed current energy challenges of the Danube Region. The participants endorsed a common declaration responding to the current issues of energy security.

The declaration welcomes the European Commission’s proposals based also on some initiatives of several Member States which opened a debate on ensuring Europe’s energy independency in last months. The material also mentions the importance of investments in energy infrastructure which will enable better interconnection of the Danube Region and stresses the necessity of reducing energy dependency of the states of the Energy Community.

The representatives of the Danube Region Strategy countries agreed during the meeting that the priority should be to strengthen energy infrastructure of the region, whether it is a better interconnection of gas system or a more efficient interconnection of electricity grids. Members of the Steering Group also stressed the need to finish the creation of a well-functioning European energy market.

“I appreciate that today’s meeting focused on the current topic of energy security. Moreover, I highly acknowledge it for the fact that for the first time the Steering Group approved the declaration which reflects the region´s present energy situation and speaks about practical measures in the field of energy security,” the State Secretary for European Affairs Tomáš Prouza stated.

The activities in the Danube Region will follow the strengthening of the energy infrastructure between the Czech Republic and Poland. The Regulation Authorities in the both countries have recently approved building of further gas pipeline’s interconnection, so called Stork II.

The meeting, which was organized by the Office of the Government, attended also Ukraine and Moldova. These two transit countries are now in the centre of attention regarding the fostering of energy security.

The EU Strategy for the Danube Region

The EU Strategy for the Danube Region was endorsed by the European Council as a macro-regional strategy for Danube region in 2011. 14 countries participate in this project (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Moldova, Germany - Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Ukraine), 9 of them are members of the EU.

The Danube Region Strategy faces the common challenges of the region and is divided into 12 Priority Areas (Energy, Mobility, Environmental protection, Biodiversity, Water quality, Competitiveness …). Each Priority Area is managed by at least two countries (Priority Area Coordinators). Steering Group gathers at least twice a year. The Czech Republic, together with Hungary, coordinates the Priority Area “to encourage more sustainable energy”.