Press Advisories

30. 5. 200714:19

Government To Discuss Anti-Discrimination Act and Its Goals Until 2010

The cabinet will today discuss an Anti-Discrimination Bill, which is expected to provide for equal access to education, work, health care, social benefits, and housing.

The Bill is aimed at protecting people against discrimination due to their sexual orientation, physical handicaps, language, religion or property.

The Czech Republic was expected to have adopted this legislation already at the time of its accession to the EU back in 2004. Due to the absence of this law the Czech Republic is now in danger of being sanctioned.

Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek will also submit to the Government a list of policy goals the Government wants to approve until 2010, i.e. before the end of its regular term of office. To date, the Government Ministers have several times adjourned the establishment of a commission for settling state-church relations. That is why this particular item comes up on the agenda again today.

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