Scheduled Events

1. 6. 200710:05

Visit of the US President George Bush in Prague

An exceptional protocolar event – this is how the forthcoming visit to the Czech Republic by US President George Bush could also be described.

The US President will be received jointly by Czech President Václav Klaus and Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek at Prague Castle on June 5, 2007. The Office of the President of the Republic and the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic share in organizing the event.

After opening ceremonies, both delegations will meet for talks, the Czech side being led by the President and the Prime Minister.

This is an unprecedented event in terms of form and content of the diplomatic protocol in that the President of the Republic and the Premier have agreed to welcome the visiting US President jointly at Prague Castle. The entire organization of the stay of the American President has been adjusted accordingly.

More information may be obtained from Mgr. Barbora Loudová, Director of the Protocolar Department of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, Tel. 602 22 19 89.

Press Department of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic