Výbor pro práva LGBTI+ lidí

6. 12. 200821:57

Working group for sexual minorities

In 2007 and during the European Union’s Year of Equal Opportunities for All, the Office of the Czech Government has created a special working group dedicated to the issues of sexual minorities. The activities of this group are handled by a professional team managed by the commissioned Minister for Human Rights and National Minorities (without portfolio), H.E. Dr. Dzamila Stehlikova.

The working group has worked on an integrated survey analysis of the current situation of the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender/transsexual) minorities in the Czech Republic. The analysis contains specific steps to achieve an improvement of the GLBT communities in the country. These steps (proposals) carry the status of “recommendations” aimed at the sectors of legislation (changes of laws, promulgations, other legal formulas and regulations), as well as non-legislative (e.g. awareness-raising activities).

The members of this working group are activists from non-governmental, non-profit organizations connected with LGBT minorities and representatives of public administration. The group meets approx. once a month in the premises of the Government Office in Prague, Vladislavova street no.4.

For more information and details, please send inquires to the following email address: otahalova.lucie@vlada.cz

The Analysis of the Situation of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender/Transsexual Minorities in the Czech Republic has been officially presented during the conference at the end of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All in the city of Brno on October 17th,2007.