
21. 1. 200919:00

ADVICE: The Deputy Prime minister Vondra will present the priorities of the Czech Presidency to AFCO in Brussels 22.1.2009

The Deputy Prime Minister Vondra will exchange views with the members of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) and present the Presidency Priorities on 22 Jan at 9.00 in Brussels. Jo Leinen, Chairman of AFCO, will be present, too. AFCO is responsible for example for the institutional aspects of the European integration process, in particular in the framework of the preparation and proceedings of conventions and intergovernmental conferences; for the implementation of the EU Treaty and the assessment of its operation and for the institutional consequences of enlargement negotiations of the Union.
Michaela Jelínková Tisková mluvčí místopředsedy pro evropské záležitosti/Spokesperson of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Kabinet místopředsedy vlády pro evropské záležitosti/Executive Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs phone: +420 224 002 796 GSM: +420 724 258 939 e-mail: Úřad vlády ČR/Office of the Government of the Czech Republic Nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4, 118 01 Prague 1, Czech Republic