Scheduled Events

22. 1. 200914:26

Premier To Install New Cabinet Ministers Into Office

On Friday, January 23, 2009, after an official swearing-in ceremony with the President, Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek will personally inaugurate new cabinet ministers in their office.

11:30 a.m. - Office of the Government of the Czech Republic (náb?eží Edvarda Beneše 4, Prague 1): Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Government of the Czech Republic Pavel Svoboda, Minister for Human Rights and Minorities Michael Kocáb;

12:45 p.m. - Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (Starom?stské nám. 6, Prague 1): Minister Cyril Svoboda;

1:05 p.m. - Ministry of Transportation of the Czech Republic (náb?. L. Svobody 1222/12, Prague 1): Minister Petr Bendl;

1:30 p.m. - Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (Palackého nám. 4, Prague 2): Minister Daniela Filipiová.

Press Department of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic


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