Archiv zpráv sekce pro Evropské záležitosti

4. 9. 20099:38

Vystoupení MEZ Štefana Füleho u příležitosti slavnostního příjezdu vlaku "Winton Train" na nádraží Liverpool Street

Text je k dispozici pouze v angličtině.

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to be here today to honor the breath-taking act of humanity of Sir Nicholas Winton. 

His far-sighted efforts 70 yeas ago, filled with will and determination, are an enormous display of human solidarity that knows no borders.

His bravery should, thus, be an endless source of inspiration for all of us in Europe who treasure the mutual solidarity that is at the very core of our values. Sir Winton’s story embodies the journey of ideas and words into action. This, I believe, is the universal legacy of this great man.