Press Advisories

30. 11. 200914:31

Prime Minister sees new ministers into their posts

The Minister for European Affairs will be Juraj Chmiel, Minister for the Environment will be Jan Dusík and the position of Minister and Head of the Government Legislative Council will be held by Pavel Zářecký.

The first to be installed by Prime Minister Fischer was Minister and Chairman of the Government Legislative Council Pavel Zářecký. Pavel Zářecký held the same position from 2005 to 2006. The post of Chairman of the Government Legislative Council has been held until now by Minister of Justice Daniela Kovářová.

Another minister to be installed in his new function as Minister for European Affairs was Juraj Chmiel, who until now has worked as Czech Ambassador in Australia. He was nominated by ODS and replaces Štefan Füle, who was Czech candidate for European Commissioner.

Both Ministries are located at the Strakova Academy, the headquarters of the Office of the Czech Government. A total of three ministries will now operate out of the Office of the Czech Government. The third is the office of the Minister for Human Rights Michael Kocáb.

The last person to be installed in office today was Jan Dusík who until now has worked at the Ministry of the Environment as Deputy Minister. The former Minister Ladislav Miko returns to his earlier duties at the European Commission in Brussels.