
21. 2. 201215:32

Working team of the tripartite discussed „Plan for Growth in Europe“

The working team of the Council of Economic and Social Agreement met on 20th February in Prague in order to discuss the so-called fiscal compact, initiative „Plan for Growth in Europe“ and updating of the National Reform Programme schedule.

Vojtěch Belling, Secretary of State for European Affairs, acquainted representatives of the social dialogue with the initiative "Plan for Growth in Europe". This letter, which was signed by 13 EU Member States, is complementary to the so-called fiscal compact. It contains a list of concrete measures in areas of the free services movement, digital market, and science and research support that should be realized in the forthcoming time period.

Preparation of the National Reform Programme updating for year 2012 became subject of following discussion. Vladimíra Drbalová from the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic positively evaluated the openess of National Reform Programme formulation process. Jaroslav Šulc from Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions subsequently pointed out the need to asses ongoing reform steps with regard to current budgetary situation. Discussion concerning concrete actions of the National Reform Programme will continue in the second round of debating tables that will be held in the end of February.