
19. 1. 2010

Ivan Medek (13. 7. 1925 - 6. 1. 2010)

The name of Ivan Medek has not been mentioned very frequently on newspaper pages recently and we have seldom seen his face on the TV; in spite of that many people were feeling his presence in confusions of the time and they connected it with hope for the future.

Ivan Medek (13. 7. 1925 - 6. 1. 2010)

14. 12. 2009

Government of National Understanding (December 1989 - June 1990)

The government of national understanding was presented on 10 December 1989 and immediately after its appointment Gustáv Husák resigned from his post of the Czechoslovak President.

Government of National Understanding

27. 11. 2009

Advent in the Lichtenstein Palace

It is a tradition that the Office of the Government organizes a competition for children from children's homes or other abandoned children's facilities.

Advent in the Lichtenstein Palace

23. 11. 2009

We did not give it up - stories of the 20th century

Prague 27 October, 2009 - in the framework of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain, an outdoor exhibition We did not give it up – stories of the 20th century", which will be dedicated to people who sacrificed themselves in the fight against totalities of the past century, will be opened in Prague ". The exhibition will be inaugurated by President Václav Klaus at the Prague castle.

We did not give it up

20. 11. 2009

The Prime Minister Jan Fischer awarded world-renowned scientists with the Prime Minister's Medal.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the communist regimes in East-Central Europe

Memorial Medal of Karel Kramář

19. 11. 2009

Exhibition and launching ceremony of the book Posters of the Velvet Revolution in the Straka's Academy

At the seat of the Office of the Government on 19 November 2009 at 16:00 p.m.

Plakáty sametové revoluce

18. 11. 2009

International conference The Iron Curtain - its Dropping, Maintaining and Breaking

The international conference DROPPING, MAINTAINING AND BREAKING THE IRON CURTAIN: The Cold War and Central and Eastern Twenty Years Later will be held from 20 to 21 November 2009 in the Lichtenstein palace in Prague.

Železná opona

15. 11. 2009

Posters of the Velvet Revolution

The book marks the 20th anniversary of the events that led to the fall of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia.

Plakáty sametové revoluce

13. 11. 2009

Decalaration of the Rights of the Child

The year 2009 is a year of notable anniversaries relating to the rights of the child. In 1924, eighty-five years ago, the League of Nations adopted the first, so-called Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child which for the first time declared the fact that the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth.

Deklarace práv dítěte

4. 11. 2009

National Holiday 28th October

At the end of October 1918 long-standing efforts of the Czech political representation and the Czech nation as a whole were crowned and the independent state was established. Nowadays we memorialize the day of declaration of Czechoslovakia as a national holiday.

Wenceslas square 28th October 1918