Important days

18. 8. 2010

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, August 1945

In midsummer 1945 the World War II was a thing of the past in Europe. Thanks to that, Europeans regard May 1945 as the end of this devastating conflict. However, it is rather a distorted idea because the war continued on.


20. 6. 2010

World Refugee Day

On 20 June we are commemorating the World Refugee Day which was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2000 as a mark of solidarity with Africa where this day had been traditionally celebrated as the Day of Refugees in Africa.

World refugee day

1. 6. 2010

International Children's Day

The International Children's Day is celebrated in many countries on 1 June every year.

International Children's Day

10. 5. 2010

Equal Opportunities for All

In connection with the adoption of the National Plan for Creation of Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities for 2010-2014 which the government debated and approved in its Resolution No. 253 of 29 March 2010, the Information Centre of the Government of the Czech Republic has prepared the information campaign "Equal Opportunities for All".

Equal Opportunities for All

21. 4. 2010

The International Day of the Roma

We commemorate the International Day of the Roma every year on 8 April.

Mezinárodní den Romů

6. 4. 2010

The Košice Government Programme

These days we are commemorating the proclamation of the Košice Government Programme.

Historical hall where Košice government program was adopted

14. 12. 2009

Government of National Understanding (December 1989 - June 1990)

The government of national understanding was presented on 10 December 1989 and immediately after its appointment Gustáv Husák resigned from his post of the Czechoslovak President.

Government of National Understanding

13. 11. 2009

Decalaration of the Rights of the Child

The year 2009 is a year of notable anniversaries relating to the rights of the child. In 1924, eighty-five years ago, the League of Nations adopted the first, so-called Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child which for the first time declared the fact that the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth.

Deklarace práv dítěte

4. 11. 2009

National Holiday 28th October

At the end of October 1918 long-standing efforts of the Czech political representation and the Czech nation as a whole were crowned and the independent state was established. Nowadays we memorialize the day of declaration of Czechoslovakia as a national holiday.

Wenceslas square 28th October 1918

30. 10. 2009

Dreyfus Affair

When the officer of the French General Staff Alfred Dreyfus was accused of espionage for German Empire, a great political scandal became unfolding which polarized and destabilized the French Third Republic for a long time. It was in the time when the French Republic was facing complicated internal political situation, when it was jeopardized claims of monarchists, strengthening socialists and political scandals, when trust in the parliamentary system was markedly undermined in particular because of the construction of the Panama Canal.

Dreyfus Affair