Press Advisories

16. 6. 2013 23:20

Prime Minister: I will resign as premier

Prime Minister and Civic Democratic Party's Chairman Petr Nečas has decided to step down on Monday.

Prime Minister and Civic Democratic Party's Chairman Petr Nečas has decided to step down on Monday.

"I have said on numerous public occasions that in my personal hierarchy of priorities the interests of the Czech Republic come first, the interests of the Civic Democratic Party second, and the existence of this coalition government third; my personal political destiny is at the lowest rung of this hierarchy.

I am fully aware of the extent to which complications in my personal life have recently burdened the Czech political scene as well as the Civic Democratic Party, which I joined in 1991, have represented as a Member of Parliament since 1992, and have had the honour to serve as a deputy chairman and chairman in recent years since 1999.

I have been following very attentively the development of the political situation that has unfolded since last Wednesday, and I am well aware of the consequences the recent events have for me personally. With that in mind, I announced earlier today to members of the Civic Democratic Party's political board and subsequently to our coalition partners that I will resign as prime minister tomorrow.

I want to make it clear that I am aware of my political accountability and its implications, which is why I have decided to step down. At the same time, I want to do utmost to promote the interests of both our country and the Civic Democratic Party. I will do everything in my powers to help find a solution allowing the forming of a coalition government that will receive the support of 101 deputies, so that a new government, headed by a prime minister nominated by the Civic Democratic Party, can continue to pursue the key policies of my government until the regular election time in May next year.

I am convinced that my decision is the best possible solution to the current political turmoil. At no time did I imagine that I should become a proverbial stumbling block complicating or standing in the way of efforts to resolve the crisis.

I am a very resolute person, and you all know how many political crises and impending collapses of the government I have managed to avert or, if you will, survived and endured. Nonetheless, I am all too well aware that there comes a time when one cannot carry on, and that time has come. Once again, I repeat that I take full political responsibility for the events that have transpired," said Prime Minister Petr Nečas.

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