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18. 3. 2003 0:00

Statute of the Committee for Co-operation with the European Union



of the

Committee for Co-operation with the European Union
of the Governmental Council for Non-state Non-profit Organisations

Article 1
Basic Provisions

  1. The Committee for Co-operation with the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) shall be the standing working body of the Governmental Council for Non-state Non-profit Organisations (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) for the process of integration of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the “CR”) into the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the “EU”) with a view to the needs of non-state non-profit organisations (hereinafter referred to as “NGOs”).

  2. The Committee was established by adoption of the Statute of the Council by Government Resolution No. 283 dated 18 March 2002.

Article 2
Activities of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall

    1. monitor information regarding the position of NGOs within the EU, the process of integration of the CR into the EU with a view to NGOs, and the related financial resources,

    2. co-operate with the governmental authorities responsible for the implementation of EU financial resources in the CR, and prepare proposals of measures designed to include NGOs in the utilisation of such financial resources.

  1. In doing so, the Committee shall in particular

    1. obtain and make available information regarding the process of integration of the CR into the EU and regarding the preparation and utilisation of assistance from the EU Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds,

    2. co-operate with governmental authorities responsible for the process of accession of the CR into the EU,

    3. co-operate with EU bodies whose activities are related to NGOs,

    4. co-operate with NGOs orientated towards EU-related issues,

    5. co-operate with international NGOs with links to the EU,

    6. submit to the Council the plan of its work for the current year, keep the Council informed on the Committee’s work, and present to the Council proposals for measures to be taken.

Article 3
Composition of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall consist of the chairman, vice-chairman (if applicable), and other members.

  2. The chairman of the Council shall decide on the composition of the Committee and shall appoint and recall the chairman of the Committee at the proposal of the Council.

  3. Other members of the Committee shall include:

    1. members of the Council representing the governmental authorities and NGOs engaging in EU-related matters,

    2. experts who are not members of the Council:

  • representatives of governmental authorities responsible for the accession of the CR to the EU,

  • representatives of NGOs oriented towards EU-related issues.

(4) Enclosed as an annex hereto is a list of members of the Committee.

Article 4
Chairman of the Committee

  1. The chairman of the Committee shall be accountable to the chairman of the Council for the Committee’s work.

  2. The chairman of the Committee shall convene and direct meetings of the Committee, which shall take place on a regular basis as per the work plan and as necessary (see Article 5 of the Council’s Rules of Procedure).

  3. In addition, the chairman of the Committee shall in particular:

    1. submit to the Council the proposals and recommendations adopted by the Committee,

    2. decide on inviting guests to meetings of the Committee.

Article 5
Members of the Committee

  1. Members of the Committee shall be obligated to attend meetings of the Committee and participate in drafting proposals and recommendations of the Committee. If a member cannot attend a meeting, he/she shall excuse him/herself and may make a written statement regarding the matters on the agenda.

  2. Members shall have the right to submit to the Council via the chairman of the Committee proposals and recommendations they adopted.

Article 6
External Co-operation

The Committee, acting through its chairman, may invite an outside expert to participate in discussing the matters at issue. External co-operation shall be governed by Article 8 of the Council’s Statute.

Article 7
Rules of Procedure

The Committee shall reasonably adhere to the Council’s Rules of Procedure.

Article 8
Final Provisions

  1. This Statute came into force upon its adoption by the Council on 14 May 2002.

  2. Any amendments hereto shall be subject to adoption by the Council.

  3. The Statute shall be made available to the general public on the web site and at the seat of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. Posted on the web site shall always be the full version of the Statute, as amended and restated.

Dated at Prague on 14 May 2002

Ing. Karel Březina


Chairman of the Governmental Council for

Non-state Non-profit Organisations

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